Getting Started with the SmarterMail email system

Email > Webmail/SmarterMail
SmarterMail is a very feature rich email system, so there are many options beyond what is covered in this tutorial. Here we will focus on the basic steps required to set up an email account. Once you are comfortable with the basics, detailed information is available in SmarterMail's "Help" documents. Look for the "Help" link in the upper right corner to get information for any page you are on.

Once your domain is pointing to our servers you can reach SmarterMail directly at, but the first time you log in, you should make sure you have email service with us first.

When you access SmarterMail's web administration interface through the Control Panel, you will be automatically logged in as the Domain Administrator, which is [email protected]. By default an email user named "postmaster" is created in your account. This user is the primary Domain Administrator, and cannot be deleted. You may also create additional Domain Administrators if you wish.

The first time you log in to SmarterMail, you must select your Time Zone. When you are logged in as Domain Administrator, you will see the following tabs; Reports, Settings, Domain Settings and Help. The first task you should perform is configuring the default user settings. Every new email account that you set up will take it's default configuration from the settings that you define here.

Mouse over the "Domain Settings" tab and click the "Default User Settings" link. That will take you to the "Mailbox" tab in the Default User Settings section. From here you select the time zone and mailbox size limit. For now, leave the size limit set to "10" and select your time zone.

There is also a checkbox on this page; "Bypass Greylisting" will disable greylisting for the account. We strongly recommend that you leave that box unchecked and do NOT bypass greylisting, as it is a very effective spam reduction tool. Read more about greylisting here.

Click "Save" to save the default user settings.

To create a new user
  • Mouse over "Domain Settings" and click the "Domain Settings" link.
  • From the Email Users page, click the "Add User" link.
  • Enter the username and password for the email account.
For the purpose of this tutorial, do not change any of the other settings (for more details on the other settings, click the "Help" tab).